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Material * 灯笼 Lantern By CEO group Chinese The red lanterns in the film structure plays a topic and series the whole story role. 大红灯笼在电影的结构中起到点题 并串联整个故事情节的作用。 Lantern source Chinese lanterns and collectively referred to as illuminating,han Chinese traditional arts and crafts,originated from 1800 years ago in western han dynasty. 中国的灯笼又统称为灯彩,汉族传统工艺品,起源于1800多年前的西汉时期。 The lantern structure Skeleton Lamp body Light source 骨架 灯身 光源 Ancient:It was made of bamboo, wood, cane, straw, horns, metal, silk. 古代:由竹子、木材、藤、草、角、金属、丝绸制成 Mordern:Now some of material become cloth, plastic, iron wire. 现代:现在一些材料成为布、塑料、铁丝。 The lantern development After successive illuminating artist inheritance and development,formed a rich and colorful variety. 经过历代灯彩艺人的继承和发展,形成了丰富多彩的品种。 From the species are: droplight of palace lantern, gauze lantern, and so on. 从种类上有:宫灯、纱灯、吊灯等等。 The lantern development Lantern significance The annual lunar New Year holiday, before and after the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival,People are red lanterns hung symbol meaning of reunion,to build a geely festive atmosphere.Then a lantern became the symbol of the Chinese festival. 每年的农历春节,正月十五元宵节前后,人们都挂起象征团圆意义的红灯笼,来营造一种吉利喜庆的氛围,后来灯笼就成了中国人喜庆的象征。 The annual Lunar January school (ancient school) ,light the lanterns like a bright feature of the students future, known as lights. To the Japanese Colonial Period,also has the significance of our next generation . Lantern significance 每年正月私塾(古代的学校)开学时,点亮灯笼象徵学生的前途一片光明,称为「开灯」。 到了日据时代又具有薪火相传的意义。 Red lantern seems to have become the symbol of Chinese culture. 红灯笼俨然成了中国文化的符号。 Every major festivals, auspicious day of celebration , we all hang round red lanterns 每逢重大节日、良辰喜庆之时,大家都会挂起圆圆的大红灯笼。 *


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