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ANALYSIS OF THE CONFLICTS BETWEEN UNDERSHAFT AND MAJOR BARBARA IN MAJOR BARBARA by LAN YILONG Supervisor: YANG XIUWEN A thesis SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF aRTS IN ENGLISH COLLEGE OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES SHENYANG LIGONG UNIVERSITY June 2013 Abstract George Bernard Shaw, born in Ireland, is an outstanding realistic dramatist, literary critic, and social spokesman. As the representative of the British theater in the twentieth century, he is generally recognized as a playwright who possesses the life-long artistic career in the history of British literature. Major Barbara (1905) is the one of the most powerful dramas. Major Barbara reveals and attacks ruthlessly the social evils under the bourgeois system mainly through the conflicts between the protagonists Barbara (holds the post of Major in the Salvation Army) and her father Undershaft (a millionaire and an arms dealer, attaining his end by hook and crook). Barbara had to compromise with her father on her principles, her beliefs and ideals eventually. This paper consists of three parts. The first part is the introduction to George Bernard Shaw and the novel. The second part is the analysis of the conflicts between Undershaft and Major Barbara, which are all showed from their attitudes towards religion, money, ideal and reality. The last part is the conclusion. Major Barbara, the image set up by George Bernard Shaw in the cruel reality is just the reflection of our modern people. We should persist in what we’re pursuing and never change life principles with pure nature. Key Words: Religion; Money; Ideal and Reality; Conflict 摘 要 乔治·萧伯纳是爱尔兰出生的杰出的现实主义戏剧家,文学评论家和社会主义活动家。作为二十世纪英国戏剧的代表人物被公认为英国文学史上艺术生命最为长久的剧作家。巴巴拉少校《巴巴拉少校》主要主人公在救世军中担任少校之职的拉和她那为达目的不择手段的父亲—百万富翁、军火商安德鲁·安德谢夫无情地揭露和抨击了资本主义制度下的种种社会罪恶。乔治·萧伯纳安德谢夫拉乔治·萧伯纳 关键词:宗教;金钱;理想与现实;冲突 Contents I. Introduction 1 A. Introduction to the author: George Bernard Shaw 1 B. Brief introduction to Major Barbara 2 II. Analysis of the confli



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