新编英语教程4_李观仪版Unit 7课件.ppt

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新编英语教程4_李观仪版Unit 7课件

a ____ of bees a ____of flowers a ____ of sheep a ____ of cattle a ____ of wolves a ____ of fish a ____ of clothes a ____ of apple a ____ of ships a ____ of cards a ____ of mountains swarm bouquet; bunch flock herd pack shool suit crop fleet pack range a ____ of lightening a ____of thunder a ____ of teeth a ____ of keys a ____ of soap a ____ of chocolate a ____ of news a ____ of glass a ____ of sugar a ____ of meat a ____ of cheese flash roll row bunch bar, cake bar Suit , pronouncation sleet fleet Slice, range Translation 1. They had been waiting in anguish until the news came that the police had rescued their kidnapped daughter. 2. The emotional old man sternly controlled uselessly his trembling hands and opened the letter his son sent him from overseas. 3. They saved the sheep from the grip of the wolf, but it hurt them very badly to see the wounded sheep writhing in pain. 4. He ran all the way to the railway station without stopping; and when he arrived there, he was out of breath with sweat trickling down his cheeks. 5. A sudden downpour sent the pedestrians scurrying for shelter in the stores along the streets. 6. Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions, the hunter shot it dead out of pity. 7. Although their experiments failed again and again, their enthusiam, instead of ebbing away, was rising. 8. It never occurred to them that their new partner was such a mean person. A swelling feeling of rage and contempt rose in them when they met again. 9. Although he was well prepared, he felt an involuntary chill on his back at the thought of fighting in the boxing ring with the world champion. 10. When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation that would take no more than an hour, there was an incredulous look on his face. Passage Translation Zhao Ying had been in bed for hours, She could not go to sleep, because she was so excited by all the different things she had seen that day. She sat up suddenly. Sh


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