新编综合英语教程4第三版 U1-U6 复习.doc

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新编综合英语教程4第三版 U1-U6 复习

Unit 1 This Year Its Going to Be Different Vocabulary (A) 1. (d) boundless:?without?limits?,?unlimited? 2. (g) shriek: cry out with a high sound 3. (a) sketch: a rough drawing 4. (h) curiosity: the desire to know, find out or learn 5. (b) doctor’s kit: a bag or box containing doctor’s instruments and medicine 6. (c) pajamas: jacket and trousers for sleeping in 7. (i) creativity: the ability to produce new and original ideas and / or things 8. (j) garbage: waste material 9. (e) cross-examine: question somebody very closely or severely 10. (f) accomplish: finish successfully, succeed in doing Vocabulary (B) 1. admiration:a feeling of respect and approval for a person 2. tiptoe: walk on ones toes with the rest of ones feet off ground 3. spontaneous: acting immediately from natural feeling 4. compliment: an expression of praise , admiration or respect 5. escapement: the part of a clock or a watch which controls the moving parts inside 6. jovially: in a friendly way, good-humouredly 7. carve: cut (wood or stone) into a special shape 8. whittle: cut (wood) to a smaller size by taking off small thin pieces 9. commotion: great and noisy confusion or excitement 10. considerate: thoughtful as far as the feelings or needs of others are concerned 11. snarl: speak in an angry , bad-tempered way 12. sprawl: stretch out oneself or one’s limbs in a lying or sitting position Unit 2 Salvation Vocabulary (A) 1. pray:speak(usually silently) to God, showing love, giving thanks or asking for something 2. was escorted: was taken 3. moan: low soundof pain or suffering 4. dire: terrible 5. knelt: go down and/or remain on the knees 6. jet-black: very dark or shiny black 7. rocked: shook or or moved gently 8. serenely: calmly or peacefully 9. grin: smile broadly 10. deceive: make sb. believe sth. that is false Vocabulary (B) 1. preach: give a religious talk, usually as part of a service in church 2. by leaps and bounds: very quickly 3. rhythmical: marked by regular successi


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