新编大学英语综合教程1 B1U5 Activate.ppt

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新编大学英语综合教程1 B1U5 Activate

Animal World PART 1 Activate Discussing Brainstorming Listening Watching Brainstorming TASK ONE Getting Familiar with Animals crocodile ostrich frog TASK ONE Whale Penguin Shark Hippo Humming-bird A Brief Introduction to the Animal World TASK ONE ◇Animals can be found in literally all of the Earth’s habitats (栖息地)(e.g. the depths of the oceans, the freezing Arctic, within other animals and plants). ◇ Classification: animals without backbones (invertebrates) and animals have backbones (vertebrates). ◇ The animal kingdom is divided into about thirty phyla (门). ◇The arthropods (节肢动物) phyla constitutes about 75 percent of all known animal species. Discussing TASK TWO The Classification of Animals Step 1 Read a brief introduction to the animal classification and classify the animals mentioned in TASK ONE according to their characteristics and habits you learned in this part. TASK TWO Animals are generally divided into five groups based on their different characteristics and habits: mammals, reptiles (爬行类), amphibians (两栖类), fish and birds. 1. Mammals: ◇Their bodies are covered with hair or fur. ◇ Mother mammals feel milk to their babies. ◇ They are warm- blooded. TASK TWO 2. Reptiles ◇ All reptiles have scales. ◇ Mother reptiles lay eggs. ◇ Most reptiles have four legs. (A snake is a reptile with no legs.) 3. Amphibians ◇ They typically live on land but lay their eggs in water. ◇ They are cold-blooded. ◇ Adult amphibians breathe with lungs. TASK TWO 4. Fish ◇ They can be found in nearly all aquatic environments, from high mountain streams to the deepest oceans. ◇ Most fish are cold-blooded. ◇ Their body temperatures vary as ambient (周围的) temperatures change. ◇ They breathe through gills. 5. Birds ◇ All birds have feathers. ◇ All birds have two wings. ◇ Mother birds lay eggs. Mammals Reptiles Amphibians Fish Birds Step 2 TASK TWO Do you know some special habits and behaviors of certain animals? Make a discussion on t


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