新编英语教程6 Unit 2 西工大.ppt

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新编英语教程6 Unit 2 西工大

Paragraph 6 27. … its etymology, its origins in the Anglo-Saxon term “godsibbe”, relative, its meaning widening by the Renaissance to include friends, cronies …(l. 35) 1) Anglo-Saxon is the language of the English people from the time of the earliest documents in the seventh century to about 1,100; 2) godsibbe = god + sibbe, i.e. kinsman or related, hence “god-parent” 3) Renaissance is the period in Europe between the fourteenth and the seventeenth century, when there was a revival of classical influence expressed in a flowering of the arts and literature. The etymology of the word “gossip” shows that the meaning of the word changed with the passing of time: 1) one who promises to take responsibility for a person’s religious upbringing when the latter is baptized in a Christian church, i.e. a god-parent. 2) a familiar acquaintance, friend, crony; 3) a person, mostly, a woman of light and trifling character, especially one who delights in idle talk; 4) idle talk, trifling or groundless rumor. 28. It maps our ties (l. 39) it shows us our relationship with others … 29. The roots of the grapevine are inextricably entwined with our own …(l. 41) The fundamental way of spreading / of passing on news is very closely related / connected to our own; or, is very similar to our own Grapevine is used as an informal term to refer to the circulation of rumors or unofficial information. Its use as a figure of speech here is very effective. Inextricable – which cannot be escaped from because it is so difficult; which can not be untied or separated无法逃离的;无法摆脱的;分不开的 e.g. an inextricable dilemma 摆脱不了的困境 Inextricable confusion 不能理清的混乱 Entwine (l. 42) – wind one thing with or round another; twist together, round, or in 盘绕;使缠绕;使交错 e.g. a pillar entwined with ivy 被常青藤缠绕的柱子 She knows how to entwine herself in your affections. 她懂得如何紧紧缠住你的心。 c.f. entangle – cause (string, rope, hair, etc.) to become twisted or mixed (with sth else), or to cause (sth) to become twis


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