旅游英语 清华大学出版社课件Unit1.ppt

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旅游英语 清华大学出版社课件Unit1

Unit One Giving Travel Information 旅游咨询 Unit Objectives (单元目标) After learning this unit, you should ——understand what and how to give travel information; ——master the basic words and expressions about travel information; ——get some cultural knowledge about travel information; ——find ways to improve your writing skills about Letters on Travel Reservations; ——be familiar with some domestic typical travelling routes Background Knowledge 背景知识 When traveling, we may choose to travel by ourselves or attend package tours organized by the travel agencies that attend to the details of transportation, itinerary, and accommodations for travelers. We can also book train tickets, air tickets or passages there. Types of Tours 旅游类型 1. inclusive tour(包价旅游) 2. Ecotourism(生态旅游) 3. fly-drive package tour(自驾游) 4. conducted tour(有导游陪同的旅游) 5. foreign individual/independent tour(散客旅游) 6. culture-oriented travel (文化旅游) 7. escorted tour(全程陪同旅游) 8. cruise(豪华游艇旅游) 9. leisure travel(休闲旅游) 10. special interest tour(专门兴趣旅游) 11 Agricultural tourism(农业观光旅游) 12. sports tourism(体育旅游) Practice Materials 实训材料 Listening Dialogue 1 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F). 1. ___F___ The man wants to make a reservation to New York next week. 2. ___F___ There are still tickets available for Flight 802. 3. ___T___ The next flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning September 13. 4. ___F___ The fare for one-way ticket is $196. 5. ___T___ The man reserves the Flight 807 finally. Dialogue 1 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions. 1. What’s the name of the airline company? The United Airlines. 2. When does the man want to fly? Monday, September 12. 3. Is Flight 807 a direct flight? Yes. 4. What’s the man’s name? Louis Anderson.


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