深埋侏罗系煤层顶板水探放技术实践 - 《煤田地质与勘探》编辑部.pdf

深埋侏罗系煤层顶板水探放技术实践 - 《煤田地质与勘探》编辑部.pdf

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深埋侏罗系煤层顶板水探放技术实践 - 《煤田地质与勘探》编辑部

第44 卷 第6 期 煤田地质与勘探 Vol. 44 No.6 2016 年 12 月 COAL GEOLOGY EXPLORATION Dec. 2016 文章编号: 1001-1986(2016)06-0096-05 深埋侏罗系煤层顶板水探放技术实践 1 2 2 邸春生 ,丁 湘 ,黄 浩 (1. 中国中煤能源集团有限公司,北京 100120 ;2. 中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710077) : 呼吉尔特矿区深埋侏罗系煤层顶板含水层主要为河流相沉积。虽然构造比较简单,主要充 水含水层与上覆白垩系及松散沙层间水力联系较弱,但是含、隔水层空间组合及结构较为复杂, 富水性极不均一。针对上述特点,采用沉积地质学的研究方法对典型矿井含水层空间展布规律开 展了研究,对矿井主要充水的直罗组含水层进行了识别、定位与精细划分,圈定了河流沉积砂体 富水条带,并通过井下探放水实践得以验证。 :深埋煤层;顶板水;沉积分析;探放水 :P618.11 :A DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-1986.2016.06.018 Practice of exploration and discharge technology of roof water in deep Jurassic coal seam: with Hu Lusu coal mine in Hujiert mine area as example 1 2 2 DI Chunsheng , DING Xiang , HUANG Hao (1. China National Coal Group Corp., Beijing 100120, China; 2. Xi ’an Research Institute, China Coal Technology and Engineering Group, Corp., Xi ’an 710077, China) Abstract: The sedimentary type of roof aquifer of the deep Jurassic coal seam is mainly fluvial deposition in Hujiert mine area.Although the tectonic conditions are relatively simpleand the hydraulic connection betweenthe main water-bearing stra- tumwith the Cretaceous and unconsolidated layersaquifers is weak. Butthe space combination relations and structures of the aquifers and aquifugesarevery complex and the water yield propertyis very inhomogeneous. According to the above charac- teristics, Studied the spatial distribution of typical mineaquifer by the method of sedimentary geology. Identified, located and delimited the Zhiluo aquiferwhich is mainly filled with water in the mine, and delineated the water-rich zone o


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