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Para 10 These arguments obviously are based on the assumption that the primary objective of business is to earn profits and that the government and social institutions should deal with social problems. Para 11 Today, few firms are either purely economic or purely socioeconomic in outlook; most have chosen some middle ground between the two extremes. However, our society generally seems to want --- and even to expect --- some degree of social responsibility from business. Thus, within this middle ground, businesses are leaning toward the socioeconomic view. ? Economic model The socioeconomic model Purpose To produce quality goods and services, earn a reasonable profit, and provide jobs To place emphasis not only on profits but also on the impact of business decisions on society Social responsibility Social responsibility is someone else’s job. Companies fulfill their social responsibility indirectly through the taxes paid by them. To have a responsibility not only to stockholders but also to customers, employees, suppliers, and the general public Critical reading and thinking Unit 2 Business Ethics Task 1 * Credit crisis 信用危机 * Mortgage 按揭贷款 Para 6 In 2008, Microsoft Corporation’s Bill Gates gave a speech to the world Economic Forum in which he made the case for a “creative capitalism”. Gates stated that, “such a system would have a twin mission: making profits and also improving lives for those who don’t fully benefit from market forces.” Para 7 Gates has certainly been true to his word. In 2000, he and his wife established the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation. Today the fund has assets totaling $33.5 billion. It received a notable boost in 2006 when famed investor Warren Buffett announced that he would donate a huge share of his fortune to the Foundation. Para 7 To date, Buffett has contributed more than $6 billion, and over time he is scheduled to contribute additional stock that is now worth in excess of $40 billion. These efforts show that there is more to l


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