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铬 不再是哺乳动物必需的微量元素: 低铬的饮食的 效果 简介概述 1、介绍了Cr发现的背景 2、研究Cr的用量以及Cr量与体重、血糖和胰岛素之间的关系 3、通过推算研究,正常饮食下,可以维持Cr在人体的所需 4、总结Cr不再是哺乳动物所需的微量元素及其对此领域的期望 导火线 : 在第二次世界大战期间,由于战争引起食物缺乏,许多德国人患上了肝病。德国政府请了一位科学家施瓦茨教授,到一个著名研究所研究营养与肝脏的关系。在研究中,施瓦茨发现蛋白质缺乏是引起肝坏死的主要原因,并发现微量元素硒对肝脏有明显的保护作用。后来又继续发现,病毒性肝炎、慢性活动性肝炎和肝硬化等肝病患者,其血清硒浓度比正常人低得多;并且肝病病情越重,硒的浓度就越低 。这是人类第一次发现硒是营养性肝坏死的重要保护因子,从此拉开了研究硒与健康的序幕。施瓦茨教授因此被载入历史史册。国际上为了纪念施瓦茨,特别设立了一个专门的科学奖项——“施瓦茨”奖,以奖励那些在硒的研究领域中做出杰出贡献的科学家。 1959年,Cr首次被施瓦尔茨和梅尔茨提议作为必需的微量元素。1980年,国际自然科学研究院确立了一个Cr的大约摄入量ESADDI:50-200ug/d。1989年,ESADDI被保留下来。2001年,国际自然科学研究院确立了Cr的摄入量AI。2010年,Cr改头换面,活出本真:铬 不再是哺乳动物必需的微量元素,但具有一定的食用功效。 Abstract Chromium was proposed to be an essential trace element over 50 years ago and has been accepted as an essential element for over 30 years. However, the studies on which chromium’s status are based are methodologically flawed. Whether chromium is an essential element has been examined for the first time in carefully controlled metal-free conditions using a series of purified diets containing various chromium contents. Male Zucker lean rats were housed in specially designed metal-free cages for 6 months and fed the AIN-93G diet with no added chromium in the mineral mix component of the diet, the standard AIN-93G diet, the standard AIN-93G diet supplemented with 200 lg Cr/kg, or the standard AIN-93G diet supplemented with 1,000 lg Cr/kg. The chromium content of the diet had no effect on body mass or food intake. Similarly, the chromium content of the diet had no effect on glucose levels in glucose tolerance or insulin tolerance tests. However, a distinct trend toward lower insulin levels under the curve after a glucose challenge was observed with increasing chromium content in the diet; rats on the supplemented AIN-93G diets had significantly lower areas (P\0.05) than rats on the low-chromium diet. The studies reveal that a diet with as little chromium as reasonably possible had n


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