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Adventure Fiction Writer 冒险小说家;In Neoclassical Period;;; 1660 born in London (son of a butcher) he received a good education in one of the best Dissenting school, but he gave up the idea of becoming a preacher. 1660年出生于伦敦(屠夫之子)接受了最好的教育,放弃了做一名牧师的机会。 1678-1683 traveled in Spain, Italy, France and German as a merchant. 1678到1683游历西班牙,意大利,法国,德国经商。; 1688 joined William’s army and took great interest in the establishment of the new government.; 1701, The Trueborn Englishman –A Satire 1701年,发表讽刺作品——《真正的英国人》 1703, he was arrested and pilloried 1703年,被捕并处以枷刑 1704 he found The Review and carried it to 1713 1704年,创办了杂志——《评论》并发行 到1713年 ;;A jack-of-all-trades(多面手): soldier, merchant, economist, politician, publicist, writer, as well as novelist. A journalist and a pamphleteer(记者和评论家) with a reporter’s eye for the picturesque and a newspapermans instinct for “making a good story” 拥有记者般的眼睛和直觉 ; A radical nonconformist in religion(不信奉英国国教的新教教徒 ) His puritan zeal for reform marks all this work account for the moralizing to be found everywhere. 对新教改革激情澎湃,到处说教 A prisoner; Defoe started the writing of novels when he was nearly sixty years of age. 年近60才开始写作事业 ; Journal of the Plague Year (1722) 大疫年日记 Captain Jack (1722) 杰克船长 Moll Flanders (1722) 摩尔 弗兰德斯 ; The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (1719) 《鲁宾逊漂流记》 It was the novel that built his reputation as a world-known writer. Significance: the first and most famous novel the book which makes him immortal Father of English Novel Defoe gained enduring fame for this novel; an adventure story based partly on the actual experience of a man Alexander Selkik who once stayed alone on the uninhabited island for five years. Factually the story is an imagination. In the story the author de


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