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* 经典翻译欣赏(二)——段落4 1. He had always liked this mosque. It was gracious, and the arrangement pleased him. The courtyard——entered through a ruined gate——contained an ablution tank of fresh clear water, which was always in motion, being indeed part of a conduit that supplied the city.(E. M. Forster: A Passage to India) 译文:他一向喜欢这所清真寺。这寺院很清幽,他喜欢里面的布局。院门已经朽坏。进得门来是一个院落,院落里有一个斋戒沐浴池,一池清澈的活水,不断地流动。实际上,这是城里水流过的一段沟渠。(石幼珊译) 赏析:译者对原文第三句结构上的处理,最让人欣赏。译者先将a ruined gate译成一个小句置前,然后以进得门来引入下文,嗣后的小句,都从其前面小句的最后一个词生发开来,而顾及到being indeed part of a conduit that supplied the city一句意思较独立,所以将其另译成一单句。整个译文,语句与语句之间连接紧密,语意流转自如,不愧为大家手笔。 译文:他一向喜欢这所清真寺。这寺院很清幽,他喜欢里面的布局。院门已经朽坏。进得门来是一个院落,院落里有一个斋戒沐浴池,一池清澈的活水,不断地流动。实际上,这是城里水流过的一段沟渠。(石幼珊译) 改译: ……,这实则为向城里输送水的一个源头。 2. But now, while we have loitered, the clouds have gathered again, and a few straggling snowflakes are beginning to descend. Faster and faster they fall, shutting out the distant objects from sight. The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley. Quadrupeds are confined to their coverts and the birds sit upon their perches this peaceful hour. There is not so much sound as in fair weather, but silently and gradually every slope, and the gray walls and fences, and the polished ice, and the sere leaves, which were not buried before, are concealed, and the tracks of men and beasts are lost. With so little effort does nature reassert her rule and blot out the traces of men. Hear how Homer had described the same: Homer:古希腊盲诗人,通译为荷马。生平和生卒年月不可考。相传记述公元前12~前11世纪特洛伊战争及有关海上冒险故事的古希腊长篇叙事史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,即是他根据民间流传的短歌综合编写而成。据此,他生活的年代,当在公元前10~前9、8世纪之间。 The snowflakes fall thick and fast on a winters day. The winds are lulled, and the snow falls incessant, covering the tops of the mountains, and the hills, and the plains where the lotus tree grows, and the cultivated fields, and they are falling by the inlets and shores of the foaming sea, but are silently dissolved by the waves. The sn


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