美国西进运动课件Westward Expansion2013.ppt

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美国西进运动课件Westward Expansion2013

The Trail of Tears The Trail of Tears is a name given to the forced relocation of Native American nations from southeastern parts of the United States following the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The removal included many tribes, who did not wish to assimilate, from their homelands to Indian Territory west of the Mississippi River. The Native Americans who chose to stay and assimilate were allowed to become citizens in their states and of the U.S. Many Native Americans suffered from exposure, disease and starvation and many died on the route to their destinations. The Louisiana Purchase In 1803 the US bought more than 2 million square km from France. The U.S. paid 50 million francs plus cancellation of debts worth 18 million francs , a total sum of 15 million dollars.(around 4 cents per acre) The transfer of land usually occurred with the use of force. However this one was obtained without any bloodshed. The land in the Louisiana Purchase constitutes 23% of today’s USA. It nearly doubled the size of the young nation, changing its borders from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico and from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains. The Louisiana territory encompassed all or part of 15 present U.S. states and two Canadian provinces. The Louisiana Purchase The purchase of the territory of Louisiana took place during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. At the time, the purchase faced domestic opposition as some argued that it was unconstitutional, though opposition ultimately was not widespread. Jefferson agreed that the U.S. Constitution did not contain provisions for acquiring territory, but decided to go ahead with the purchase anyway—to remove Frances presence in the region and protect both U.S. trade access to the port of New Orleans and free passage on the Mississippi River. Lewis and Clark Expedition Significance: a huge contribution to the mapping of the continent of North America getting a better understanding of the natural resources of the Northwest.? This expedit


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