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3 African American poet Lucille Clifton writes in a notably (尤其/明显地) ________style, achieving great impact (影响) in a few unadorned (不加装饰的,简单的) words. A. incantatory B. economical C. disaffected D. unstinting E. even-handed A: 咒语的 C. 对某人/事心怀不满的 D. 慷慨大方的 E. 公平的 答案:B incantatory: 咒语的 disaffected: Disaffected people no longer feels any loyalty and fully support something such as an organization or political ideal which they previously supported 不再完全支持的;不满的 affected: used for describing behaviour that is not natural but is done to impress other people 矫揉造作的 disinterested: 1) not involved in something and therefore able to judge it fairly 公平的 2) not interested Many people think that this use of the word is not correct, and prefer to use uninterested 不感兴趣的 unstinting: 1) Unstinting help, care, or praise is great in amount or degree and is given generously 大方的 even-handed: dealing fairly with all the people involved in a situation 公平的 4 The young man possessed ________disposition (性情), abjectly submissive (顺从的) to the will of others. A. an amiable B. an inscrutable C. a servile D. a jocular E. a melancholy A. 和蔼可亲的 B. 神秘难懂的 C. 过于顺从的 D. 爱开玩笑的 E. 悲伤地 答案:C abjectly: You use abject to emphasize that a situation or quality is extremely bad(境况)非常糟糕的 amiable: Someone who is amiable is friendly and pleasant to be with inscrutable: If someone is inscrutable, it is impossible to understand what they are thinking or feeling from their expression or from what they say servile: Someone who is servile is so willing to serve or obey other people that you have no respect for them jocular: formal humorous/fond of joking 幽默的/爱开玩笑的 melancholy: 1) adj You describe something that you see or hear as melancholy when it gives you an intense feeling of sadness 悲伤的 2) n 忧郁;抑郁 melancholia 忧郁症 5 The author’s love of harmonious (和谐的;音调优美的,悦耳的) and pleasing sounds was reflected in the ________phrases of her fiction (小说). A. convoluted


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