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翻译原文 没改格式2

外文文献阅读与翻译外文原文This and subsequent chapters discuss how to address security requirements in Java EE, web,and web services applications. Every enterprise that has sensitive resources that can be accessedby many users, or resources that traverse unprotected, open, networks, such as the Internet,needs to be protected.This chapter introduces basic security concepts and security implementation mechanisms.More information on these concepts and mechanisms can be found in the Security chapter ofthe Java EE 5 specification .Thi sdocumen ti savailabl efo rdownloa donlin eat/en/jsr/detail?id=244.Other chapters in this tutorial that address security requirements include the following:Chapter 29, “Securing Java EE Applications” discusses adding security to Java EEcomponents such as enterprise beans and application clients.Chapter 30, “Securing Web Applications” discusses and provides examples for addingsecurity to web components such as servlets and JSP pages.Some of the material in this chapter assumes that you understand basic security concepts. Tolearn more about these concepts, you should explore the Java SE security web site before youbegin this chapter. The URL for this site is/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/security/.This tutorial assumes deployment onto the Application Server and provides some informationregarding conFig.uratio no fth eApplicatio nServer .Th ebes tsourc efo rinformatio nregardingconFig.uratio no fth eApplicatio nServer ,however ,i stheSun Java System Application Server 9.1Administration Guide. The best source for development tips specifi ct oth eApplicatio nServe risthe Sun Java System Application Server 9.1 Developer’s Guide. The best source for tips ondeploying applications to the Application Server is the Sun Java System Application Server 9.1Application Deployment Guide.Overview of Java EE SecurityJava EE, web, and web services applications are made up of components that can be deployedinto differen tcontainers .Thes ecomponent sar euse dt obuil d amul


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