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  一、图画描述段  简单化原则零错误原则 纯原则 语法结构:定语从句+插入语  描述图画的形容词thought-provoking/compelling/profound/instructive/enlightening  1.The satirical sketch graphically portrays a scene in which ________ It is graphically/vividly/symbolically illustrated/demonstrated in the 图 that_____ 2.1) What makes the drawing striking/intriguing/compelling is the fact that ___ 2) The most striking feature of the drawing is (the fact)that ____________ 3) As is symbolically depicted in the (first/left-handed)图,_________ 3.其他描写 4.字幕 1) We are informed by the caption that “_______________” 2) The caption reads “___________”/The caption indicates that “___________” 5.总结(不要用太难的表达,把图总结即可,不一定需要) Undoubtedly/Unquestionably/Incontrovertibly/Indisputably______________________________   三大套路 1.Ving的处理 1)Standing by the riverside, the Master sighed, “May time pass on and on like this, never ceasing day and night.” 2) Fluttering through the air, we dance wing to wing, life after life, forever a pair. 2. ADJ+N 3. =with+N With passion/difficulty/optimism/confidence/joy/enthusiasm/grief/sorrow…..单图:2008 合作 The impressive and thought-provoking cartoon graphically portrays a moving scene invoving two handicapped men. (Depicted in the thought-provoking cartoon are two handicapped men.) The most striking feature of the drawing is that the two cripples, leaving their crutches behind and supporting each other with their powerful hands, are walking forward with confidence and optimism. In addtion, we are informed by the caption that “You have merely one leg and so do I. Helping each other, we can travel around the world.”  As is illustrated in the thought-provoking cartoon, an optimistic and confident man, taking off his clothes, is rushing toward on a bridge from “poverty” to “prosperity”. What makes the drawing intriguing is that the bridge is entitled/ marked as “reasonable system”. Unquestionably, it is the positive politics that has bridged the gap between


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