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Statistics ● biggest industrial country in the world ● economic and technological giant ● the American people enjoy a better standard of living than most other nations Adam Smith (1723?–1790) ●a Scottish moral philosopher a pioneer of political economy ● the author of Wealth of Nations (his masterpiece and the first modern work of economics) ●widely cited as the father of modern economics The Wealth of Nations 《国富论》一书是斯密最具影响力的著作,这本书对于经济学领域的创立有极大贡献,使经济学成为一门独立的学科。《国富论》一书的重点之一便是自由市场,自由市场表面看似混乱而毫无拘束,实际上却是由一双被称为“看不见的手”(invisible hand 无形之手)所指引,将会引导市场生产出正确的产品数量和种类。……斯密认为人的动机都是自私而贪婪的,自由市场的竞争将能利用这样的人性来降低价格,进而造福整个社会,而提供更多产品和服务仍具有利润的刺激。不过,斯密也对商人保持戒心,并且反对垄断的形成。 Reasons for Industrial Revolution American learned many technologies from Britain Some early decisions by American political leaders planted the seeds of industrial growth (Alexander Hamilton) A tariff high enough to discourage imports and give domestic industries time to grow Topics What are the five developments of industrial revolution in US? Five Developments of Industrial Revolution in US the introduction of the factory system ( gathered many workers together in one workplace produced goods for distribution over a wide area) Samuel Slater: build a cotton cloth factory in 1793 ◆ Englishman Samuel Slater at New York in 1789 ◆ Under Slaters expertise, Americas first profitable textile factory was opened in Rhode Island in 1793 ◆ many other factories, mostly in the northeastern US ◆ not only textiles, many other products, e.g. firearms, clocks, and watches Eli Whitney: an American inventor, cotton gin (remove the seeds from the bolls of cotton much easier) began manufacturing rifles with machinery, using interchangeable part 3. the application of new technologies to industrial tasks 5. The construction of railroads marked the start of a new era for the United States (1830s) Corporation a form of business organization the corporation (股份(有限)公司) may survive the death of its founder or


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