胡佳燕 研究分析与报告平时作业.doc

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胡佳燕 研究分析与报告平时作业

BSBRES401A Analyze and Present Research Information After-class Assignment 12IB Class _12IB02___ Name in Chinese (中文姓名) ___胡佳燕__________ Name in PinYin (姓名拼音) __Hu Jiayan________ Student Registration Number (学号)___20122683154_____ Task 1 The Role of Marketing Research (Chapter 1) What is the Marketing Research? What are the differences between Basic Research and Applied Research? What is the Marketing Concept concerned with? What four stages does a marketing strategy involve? Which factors should be considered when a marketing manager faces the decision when to conduct a marketing research? Please explain. Marketing Research is the application of the scientific method in searching for the truth about marketing phenomena. Research applications include defining marketing opportunities and problems, generating and evaluating marketing ideas, monitoring performance and understanding the marketing process. Applied marketing research is conducted to address a specific marketing decision for a specific firm or organization. Basic marketing research is conducted without a specific decision in mind, and it usually does not address the needs of a specific organization. Sometimes researchers use different terms to represent the same distinction. Some reserve the term marketing research to refer to basic research. Then, the term market research is used to capture applied research addressing the needs of a firm within a particular market. While the distinction is very useful in describing research, there are very few aspects of research that apply to only basic or only applied research. In addition, we will use the term marketing research more generally to refer to either type of research. The marketing concept is a central idea in modern marketing thinking that focuses more on how the firm provides value to customers than on the physical product or production process. Market concept concerned with consumer desires, beliefs and attitudes becomes essential. 4.


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