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21.A Sandpiper to Bring You Joy 矶鹞带来快乐She was six years old when I first met her on the beach near where I live.I drive to this beach,a distance of three or four miles,whenever the world begins to close in on me.She was building a sandcastle or something and looked up,her eyes as blue as the sea.我第一次和她在那个海滩上相遇时,她整六岁。这个海滩离我的住处约有三、四英里。每当我心情压抑,感到烦恼时,就驱车上哪儿去。当时她正在用沙子堆积一个城堡似的东西。看到我来,她抬起头来望着我,那双眼睛像大海般深邃、湛蓝。“Hello,”she said.I answered with a nod,not really in the mood to bother with a small child.“您好!”她说。我点了点头作为回答,说实在的,我没有心思跟一个小女孩费神。“Im building,”she said.“我在盖房子呢!”她又说。“I see that.What is it?”I asked,not caring.“我看见了。这盖的是什么房子呢?”我心不在焉地问道。“Oh,I dont know,I just like the feel of sand.”“噢,我不知道,我就是喜欢摸沙子的感觉。”That sounds good,I thought,and slipped off my shoes.A sandpiper glided by.这倒有意思,我边想边脱掉鞋子。蓦地,一只矶鹞从一旁滑翔而过。“Thats a joy,”the child said.孩子见了说:“那是快乐。”“Its a what?”“是什么?”“Its a joy.My mama says sandpipers come to bring us joy.”“是快乐,矶鹞能给人们带来快乐,妈妈说的。”The bird went glissading down the beach.“Good-bye joy,”I muttered to myself,“hello pain,”and turned to walk on.I was depressed; my life seemed completely out of balance.那只矶鹞顺着海滨飞走了。“再见了,快乐,”我自言自语道,“痛苦来临了。”并转身走开。我很沮丧,因为我现在的生活一团糟。“Whats your name?”She wouldnt give up.“您叫什么名字啊?”她还不罢休。“Ruth,”I answered.“Im Ruth Peterson.”“鲁思,”我回答,“我叫鲁思?彼得森。”“Mines Wendy...Im six.”“我叫温迪,我六岁了。”“Hi,Wendy.”“你好,温迪。”我叫到。She giggled.“Youre funny,”she said.“您真逗!”她咯咯地笑了。In spite of my gloom I laughed too and walked on.尽管心绪不佳,我也不由得笑了起来,一边往前走着。Her musical giggle followed me.她那清脆悦耳的笑声依然追随着我。“Come again,Mrs.P,”she called.“Well have another happy day.”“您下次再来,彼太太。咱们再快乐地玩一天!”她喊着。The days and weeks that followed belong to others: a group of unruly Boy Scouts,PTA meetings,and ailing mother.那以后的好几个星期,我忙得不可开交,没有一点闲暇:负责一群调皮捣蛋的童子军,参加家长教师联谊会,还要照顾生病的母亲。The sun was shining one morning as I took my hands out of the dishwater.“I need a sandpiper,”I said to myself,gathering up my coat.The ever-changing balm of the seashore awaited me.The breeze was chilly,but I strode along,trying to


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