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考前模拟一 1 The main characters of Horatio Algers books always rise from poverty to?riches. A maturity B wisdom C status D wealth 2 The song “Yankee Doodle” was originally sung by British troops to?ridicule?the American colonists. A given inspiration to B make fun of C entertain D discourage 3 The Sun Dance is considered by many to be the most spectacular?ritual?of the North American Plains Indians. A ceremony B ancestor C scene D costume  4?Rival?traditions of acting have coexisted in Western theater since antiquity. A Myriad B Rudimentary C Stylistic D Conflicting  5 Scientists?routinely?deal with concepts such as uncertainty, probability,and hypothesis. A reluctantly B carefully C commonly D occasionally 6 The first watermill was horizontal and resembled a?rudimentary?turbine. A a flat B a rusty C an unconventional D an unsophisticated 7 Eyespots,the most?rudimentary?eyes,are found in protozoan flagellates,flatworms,and segmented worms. A hostile-looking B perceptive C primitive D strangely formed 8 Extending from Quebec to Alabama,the Appalachian Mountain region is extensive and very?scenic. A vast B rustic C fertile D picturesque 9 In times of economic difficulty,corporate budgets for research and development are often?slashed?before any others. A shifted B cut C examined D presented 10 Hoof-and-mouth disease was eliminated in the United States by?slaughteringaffected herds of cattle. A isolating B testing C vaccinating D killing 11 The gar is a fish with a long,?slender?body and scales as hard as flint. A flat B straight C slim D fragile  12 The earliest kind of desk was a box that had a?sloping?lid,under which there was storage space for writing materials. A a sturdy B a polished C an inclined D an adaptable  13 Their?sole?fault was a failure to recognize all the factors involved. A maximum B usual C initial D only 14 Generally,a material with a?sour?taste,such as vinegar or lemon juice,contains an acid. A a tart B an oily C a fruity D a bl


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