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自编补充翻译练习 端午粽子 战国时代楚国的屈原,是中国历史上第一个伟大的爱国诗人。 公元前278年,也就是屈原六十二岁那一年,他在汨罗江边,听到秦国的军队攻破了楚国的国都,便怀着悲痛和绝望的心情,抱了一块石头,投汨罗江自杀了。那天,正好是农历五月五日。 楚国人民非常尊重和热爱屈原。汨罗江附近的老百姓听到屈原自杀的消息,都纷纷赶来,划着渔船,拿着竹竿,四处打捞屈原的遗体,结果什么也没有打捞到。大家非常失望,又十分怀念屈原,他们担心屈原的遗体被江里的鱼虾吃掉,就划着船,把包好的粽子仍到江里去给鱼虾吃。以后,每到农历五月五日这一天,中国人家家户户都包粽子、吃粽子,表示对伟大诗人屈原的纪念。这就是中国人民的传统“端午节”。Glutinous Rice Dumplings and the Dragon Boat Festival Qu Yuan, who lived in the State of Chu during the Warring States Period, was the first great patriotic poet in Chinese history. In the year 278 B.C. when he was 62 and staying at the side of River Miluo, Qu Yuan heard that Qin troops had finally conquered Chu’s capital. Overwhelmed with grief and despair, he plunged himself into the river, clasping in his arms a large stone. That day happened to be the fifth of the fifth month in the Chinese lunar calendar. The people of Chu had a great esteem and love for Qu Yuan. On hearing the news of his suicide, people/inhabitants in the vicinity came hurriedly in boats, and, armed with long bamboo poles, attempted toretrieve his body, but to their great distress, without avail. Filled with a deep sense of loss and worried that his body might be eaten up by fish and shrimps, they sailed up and down the river, throwing into the water pyramid-shaped glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves to divert possible attackers from the body. Since then, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year, each household in China would make glutinous rice dumplings and eat them to commemorate the great poet Qu Yuan. This is the traditional Chinese festival known as “the Dragon Boat Festival”.  中秋赏月 农历八月十五日,恰好是秋季的正中,所以叫做“中秋”。俗话说:“月到中秋分外明”。一年四季,秋季的夜空天高气爽,更衬出皎洁明亮的月光;八月十五日的圆月也显得格外美丽动人。在中国,月圆象征着团圆,人们就把中秋这天作为团圆节,通常叫做“中秋节”。民间有许多关于中秋节的优美神话故事。The Mid-Autumn Festival The fifteenth day of the eighth month in the Chinese lunar calendar is called “mid-autumn,” as the day is believed to fall right in the middle of autumn. A popular Chinese saying goes that “the moon di


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