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Home? Executive Board President 王蕾 Lei Wang Major: Chemistry E-mail: wangleisky2010@ Graduated from Tsinghua University, Lei Wang is a 4th year PhD student at U Chicago in Department of Chemistry. As Co-President ,she has a strong organizational skill and good competence in interpersonal communication. She hopes she can contribute a lot to the chicago students in the coming year. 徐健 Jian Xu Major: Physics E-mail: jianxu.uchicago@ Jian Xu is a 3rd year Ph.D. student at department of physics. His favorite activities include aligning lasers and satisfying his sports addiction. He likes to interact with people. When Jian joined the physics department, he immediately became the only member of physics to fraternize regularly with chemistry. Now he works at subbasement of GCIS. Vice-President 龚智良 Zhiliang Gong Major: Chemistry E-mail: zlgong@ Zhiliang graduated from University of Science and Technology of China in 2011, and then came to the University of Chicago to pursue his PhD in chemistry. He’s a passionate and curious fellow who believes in Confucianism deeply and is eager to participate in various aspects of social events. 粟永睿 Yongrui Su Major: Molecular Engineering E-mail: sam.ysu.uc@ Accomplished his Bachelor degree from Tianjin University and Master degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Yongrui is now a second-year Ph.D student in the Institute for Molecular Engineering. Yongrui enjoys interacting with people and have hobbies like fishing, hiking and running. As vice president, he is devoted to organizing regular CSSA events and will try his best to serve UChicago Chinese students and scholars. 郑天樾 Tianyue Zheng Major: Chemistry E-mail: tyzheng@ Graduated from Nanjing University, 3rd year graduate student at Department of Chemistry, U of Chicago. Treasurer 邱子怡 Ziyi Qiu Major: Economics E-mail: luckqiu_study@ As a 3rd year economics PhD student at UChicago, I feel like I am getting swamped quite often in the Chicago river!~~ Its my honor t


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