金融英语翻译9 货币基金组织.pptx

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金融英语翻译9 货币基金组织

;;;这些新的购买者再次促进了对房屋的需求,不断地推动房价上涨。由投机造成的需求连同其它使房价上涨的因素形成了房价泡沫。 These new buyers again drove up housing demand and continue to propel the upsurge in the housing prices. This final speculative demand-when piled onto the other forces driving an upsurge in housing prices-formed a housing price bubble. No?wonder?18?million?tourists?pile?onto?the city?each year.? 无可惊讶的,每年一千八百万游客“涌入”这个城市。 ;; Everyone has some contact with the financial system. We are all aware of financial institutions like banks, building societies, and insurance companies, each providing in its own way for some of our everyday needs-for example, payments facilities through banks, convenient savings and access to home loans from building societies, and car, house, or life insurance. 每个人都或多或少地与金融体系有所接触。我们都了解诸如银行、房屋互助协会和保险公司等金融机构,它们以各自的方式为我们提供一些日常所需的服务。例如,银行提供支付便利,房屋互助协会提供便利的储蓄和住房信贷及汽车、房屋(住房和汽车信贷?)或人寿保险。;;;;;;;Normally the responsibility for providing the necessary facilities falls on the note-issuing authority-the government or the central bank-and the commercial banking system. 通常,提供必要支付便利的责任落在一国的货币发行机关—政府或中央银行以及商业银行系统的肩上。 note-issuing banks?发钞银行 note-issuing authority?货币发行机构 ;;;;;对金融体系的任何评价都应当建立在理解其在整个经济体系中所发挥的作用以及发挥这些作用的途径这一基础上,还必须用有关使用者需求、机构行为以及市场实务的知识来加以补充。 Any evaluation of the financial system should be founded on an understanding of its functions within the economic system as a whole, and the means (way)by which these can be carried out. This must be complemented by a knowledge of uses’ requirements, of the behavior of institutions, and of market practices. ;?complement, append, supplement 这组词都有“补充”的意思,其区别是: complement?n.补充,补充物,主要指补充不足使之完美。 Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.有咖喱的菜配米饭最??。 append?n.附加,添上或补充某事物(尤指文字)。 The lawyer appended two more pages to the contract.律师在合同后又附加了两页。 supplement?n.增补,补充,补贴,主要指另外补加,增补。 One year after we made our report, we had to add a supplement to cover new events. 我们在报告完成一年之后,必须增补一个包含新事件的附加部分。 ;;


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