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第五单元 饮食文化翻译 Unit 5 Translation of Catering Culture 5.1 语篇类型、功能与翻译目的Text Type, Funtion and Skopos “信息+鼓动类” informative plus vocative 普通组合型ordinary type (names given according to specific ingredients and ways of preparation ) 文化型 cultural type (fancy names culturally associated ) 功能: 增进食欲,吃出雅趣 add to the fun of eating 翻译目的:帮助外国友人了解中国的饮食文化,按照其接受习惯,让译名起到令其开胃爱吃、同时对中国饮食文化产生兴趣的目的 Spread and promote Chinese catering culture and Chinese dishes 5.2 汉英饮食文化的差异及翻译原则 味精 gourmet powder m.s.g (monosodium glutamate谷氨酸一纳) gourmet 美食家;gourmand 贪嘴的人 A gourmand is a person who enjoys eating and drinking in large amounts; a formal word, used showing disapproval “But there are many kinds of exotic ingredients in Chinese cooking, including bears’ paws, the tongues of small birds, and various parts of entrails which, in the West, would be thrown away. It is said that the reason for this is the persistent shortage of meat in China since very early times: this has made the Chinese cooks more inventive in using the most unlikely materials. ” 菜名翻译的首要原则 : “达意” principle: intelligibility and comprehensibility; retain cultural features when it is possible 5.3 翻译要点Key points 5.3.1 直译literal rendering 主要烹调方法:major ways of cooking 水煮的 poached; boiled 涮的 instant boiled 白灼的 scalded 煎、炸的 deep fried 炒、爆的 sautéed (quick fried, stir fried);wok cooked 炖、煨的simmered 卤、酱的 spiced 蒸的 steamed 烤的 roast 主要刀法:major ways of slicing 切片 sliced 切丝 shredded 切丁 diced 主要调料、口味major flavors 香酥 crisp 麻辣 spicy; peppery; chili; hot 红烧 in brown sauce 鱼香 flavored with fish sauce; with spicy and sour sauce 糖醋 sweet and sour 备料手段major ways of preparation 去骨 boned 腌制 pickled 剥皮 skinned 包馅 stuffed with; with…stuffing 写实型或普通组合型菜名 use “with” or “and” to link the main ingredient with ways of cooking/flavor 卤肉饭 Braised pork rice 虾仁海参 Shrimps and sea cucumber 白灼虾 Scalded prawns 红闷豆腐 Braised Tofu/Bean Curd 酸菜扣肉 Fried and steamed pork with pickles 松仁玉米 Sweet corn and pine nuts 蛋炒饭  Fri


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