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LECTURE (2): Culture Identity The Making of HK Culture Identity since the 1960s Question What role did (i) popular culture, (ii) the government play in the formation of HK culture identity? Today’s Focuses What is culture? The role of popular culture ( the state) in cultural formation in HK History of popular culture (up to the 1970s) --- localization Popular culture in the 1980s 90s I. What is Culture? Four aspects of culture within a community (吳俊雄 2002): Life Style Folk Knowledge/ Wisdom Ideological Elements Systematic (Ideological) Discourse Four Aspects of Culture (1) Life style shown in daily life but difficult to measure e.g.「搏殺、機靈 …走精面」 Four Aspects of Culture Four Aspects of Culture Four Aspects of Culture II. The Role of Popular Culture ?吳俊雄 (2002) on Popular Culture Absence of Systematic Ideological Discourse by the Colonial Government no project of national unification rejuvenation through language, education, art, public symbols rituals main concern with law order …吳俊雄 Absence of ideological discourse by the government ??? leaving an ideological vacuum for popular culture to fill up: 「因此,香港人覺得自己屬於香港,對它產生一種投入甚至自豪的感覺 …. 其實是一個適逢其會,和相對地點滴自發的過程。這與大部分地方國族意識建構成形的背景並不相同 …. 無人願意搖旗振臂號召民心,普及文化就充當先鋒,粉墨登場。 」(吳:p.92) III. History of Popular Culture 2 Major Developments (1950s-70s) Folk Culture (民間文化) ? Mass Culture (大眾文化) (industrialization commercialization) Localization of Popular Culture (本土化) 1. Folk Culture ? Mass Culture early 20thC: traditional Chinese folk culture (鬭蟋蟀,打麻雀); some mass culture 1950s 60s: fast development of mass culture (mass media industry) influx of Chinese immigrants ? capital, talents (cultural capital), market potentials radio, movies, newspapers, comics etc. 1967: TVB (無線電視台) – a free wireless TV broadcasting ? popularization of mass culture 2. Mass Culture: early development (i) The early mass media industry fed primarily on: Traditional Chinese culture (e.g. movies from


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