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Lesson 20 One man in a boat 独坐孤舟 ★fisherman n. 钓鱼人,渔民 fish→ fisherman (pl.fishermen) [注]不要忘了er 1)fish 鱼 单复数同形 They caught many fish that morning. 2)fishes 不同种类的鱼 ★waste 1) waste v.浪费 你在浪费时间! Youre wasting time! 2)waste n. 浪费 a waste of 对…的浪费 It is a waste of time/money…… (doing sth./for sb. to do sth.) 买这么贵的东西是浪费钱。 It’s a waste of money buying this expensive thing. ★realize real adj.真的 → realize v.意识到→reality n.现实 1)v.认识到,意识到 (不用于被动语态,不用于进行时态,人做主语。) realize(=be aware of) ones mistake He realized that the beautiful girl was lying. 2) vt.实现(计划等) (可用于主动,也可用于被动) realize ones hope/dream/plan 他终于实现了他的梦想。 He realized his dream at last. →His dream was realized at last. come true 成为现实 (物作主语,无被动语态) 【课文讲解】 Fishing is my favourite sport. 动词+ing(动名词):1.做主语;2.做宾语 favourite adj. 最喜欢的 (无比较级,最高级) n. 心爱的人(物) ,最喜爱的东西 That song is one of his favourites. I often fish for hours without catching anything. without prep. 没有 (可放句首,句尾) prep + n./v.-ing/pron. He went out without saying anything. =He went out and he didn’t say anything. I can not live without you. 鱼离开水不能活。 Fish can not live without water. Instead of catching fish, they catch old boots and rubbish. instead of 不做…而做… (可置于句首或句尾) instead of 后面的词一定是没有做的,可以放在主句后面 我去了学校而不是待在家里。 I went to school instead of staying at home. 是他参军而不是他的哥哥。 He joins the army instead of his brother. instead of +n./ pron./v.-ing I am even less lucky. even 甚至 more/less lucky less+原级 (消极比较级) : A is less ... than B A比B更不... I am less happy than before. This story is less interesting than that one. not so/as ...as 不及,不如 I am not so happy as before. This story is not so interesting as that one. 关键句型—动名词 1)动名词是动词的一种非谓语形式; 2)v.+ing形式; 3) 它在句中充当名词的作用,可单独或引起短语作主语,表语,动词宾语,或介词的宾语以及定语。) 基本上有三个方面内容: 一个就是be和其变形,如:am,is,are,was,were,been,being; 第二类可以称为感官性系动词,如feel,taste,look,seem,sound; 第三类可以称为变化性系动词,如:become,grow,get,turn。 练习题: * * New Concept English Ⅱ words catch fisherman boot waste realize v. 抓到 n. 钓鱼人,渔民


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