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Language Points 2. take up an offer or a challenge (line 2, para. 3) accept it 接受建议或挑战 ① 你应按保险公司担保的条件找他们交涉。 You should take the insurance company up on their guarantee. ② 由于运动员们一个又一个地接受赛跑中领先者的挑战, 万米赛跑的格局在不断变化。 As one athlete after another took up the challenge of the frontrunners, the pattern of the 10,000 meters race was constantly changing. Language Points * take up an attitude or belief adopt it and make it your own, as a standard for what you say and do 采取;接受 他对任何问题都采取积极进取的态度。 He takes up an active and aggressive attitude to any problem. Language Points * take up a particular amount of time, space, or effort use that amount 占用(时间,空间);花费(精力) Much of the day was taken up with classes or study. 这天的大部分时间用来上课或学习。 Language Points * take up a point, an idea, or suggestion that has been raised discuss it further,, either agreeing or disagreeing with what has already been said(进一步)讨论 进一步谈论一下那个问题,我觉得你说得很有道理, 但你谈得还不够透彻。 I’d like to take that up. I think there’s a lot of truth in what you say, but you don’t go far enough. Language Points * take up sth. such as a task or a story begin again doing sth. that has been interrupted or that was begun by sb. else 继续 老师从他昨天停下的课程接着往下讲。 The teacher took up the lesson where he left off yesterday. Language Points 3. brain drain (line2, para. 5) emigration; the movement of a large number of scientists, engineers, academics, etc. away from their own country to other countries where the conditions and salaries are better 人才外流 人才外流使我们冒者大批人才流失海外的危险。 We risk a major loss of talent to overseas jobs via a brain drain. Language Points *brain drain an activity requiring great mental concentration resulting in fatigue and exhaustion 绞尽脑汁 那次的数学测验,我真是绞尽了脑汁。 That maths exam I took was a regular brain drain. Language Points *brain – drained emigrated(作为人才)移居 大约在10年前他移居到美国。 He is an English-man brain-drained to the U.S. some 10 years ago. Language Points 4. be greeted with (line 2, para. 6) meet 对…作出反应


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