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人文地理 2011 年第5 期总第121 期 文章编号: ( ) 1003-2398 2011 05-0105-06 大型展会终端客户住宿产品购买模式研究 ———以广交会为例 1 2 罗秋菊 杨 娟 , 1.中山大学旅游学院 广州510275 2.广州城市职业学院 广州510405 ( , ; , ) A STUDY ON PURCHASE STYLE OF TERMINAL CLIENTS IN MEGA EXHIBITION BUYING ACCOMMODATION PRODUCTS ———A Case study of Canton Fair LUO Qiu-ju1 YANG Juan2 , ( 1.School of Tourism Manag ement, Sun Yat -sen University , Guangzhou 510275 ,China; 2.School of Tourism Manag ement, Guangzhou City Poly technic, Guangzhou 510405, China) Abstract: Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong province in China, is host to the biannual Canton Fair, which has been a comprehensive trade fair for importers and exporters since 1957. As a large-scale business activity, Canton Fair is held regularly in Guangzhou. It has a profound and lasting impact on the host city in the hotel industry. The purchase style of the terminal clients (exhibitors and buyers) buying accommodation products is different from the general business travelers and tourists, but the relative research is still rare. This study shows that: 1) there are three purchase styles including self-purchase, bulk purchase leading by agency and paid by exhibitors. Among them, the exhibitors purchase style is mainly bulk purchase leading by trade groups. The buyers purchase


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