活性多糖的构效关系 - 林产化学与工业.pdf

活性多糖的构效关系 - 林产化学与工业.pdf

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活性多糖的构效关系 - 林产化学与工业

23 4 Vol. 23 No. 4 2003 12 hemistry and Industry of Forest Products Dec. 2003 聂凌鸿, 宁正祥 ( 华南理工大学食品与生物工程学院, 广东 广州510640) NIE L H : , , : ; ; ; :Q53 :A :0253- 2417(2003) 04- 0089- 06 RELAT IONSHIP BETWEEN STRU TURE AND A TIVITY OF A TIVE POLYSA HARIDES NIE Linghong, NING Zhengxiang ( Coll eg e of Food and B iotech nol ogy , Sout h Chi na Un iv er si ty of T ech nology , Guangz hou 510640, China) Abstract: Polysaccharides with biological activities have recently been found, and some of them have been put to clinical application. Biological activities of polysaccharides are closely related to their structures. In this article, structure of polysaccharides,identification methods of the structure, biological activity,and relationship between their structure and activity are reviewed. Key words:active polysaccharides; biological activity; structureactivity relationship , ,() ( ) , , , , , , [ 1] , :2003- 01- 15 : ( 1969- ) , , , , , Email:haitaonie@ 163.com 90 23 1 , 1. 1 , [2] , [ 3~ 4] ; , [ 5] , ; , , [6] [7] ; 1.2 , , , , ( Smith ) [8] [9~ 10] [4,8, 11] [4,8] [ 4,


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