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- 200 - Drug Evaluation Research 第 38 卷 第 2 期 2015 年 4 月 九江学院附属医院治疗消化性溃疡基本药物的处方分析 张华锋,阮雯静,李志梅,王定清,杨海云 九江学院附属医院药学部 临床药学科,江西 九江 332000 摘 要:目的 对九江学院附属医院消化内科门诊处方进行分类点评,了解治疗消化性溃疡基本药物的使用情况,评价用药 合理性。方法 利用医院信息系统(HIS )的处方信息,从江西九江学院附属医院2013 年 12 月的消化内科门诊处方中筛选 出消化性溃疡处方,点评分析基本药物使用情况以及处方使用合理性。结果 该院使用基本药物治疗消化性溃疡的处方率为 51.83%,基本药物占处方用药金额 14.75%,未优先选用基本药物的处方占48.18% 。使用基本药物不规范的处方占 10.77%, 用药不适宜的处方占 12.35%,基本药物使用与《国家基本药物临床应用指南》不一致的处方占 16.30%。结论 消化类处方 基本药物不合理使用主要表现在用法用量不当、存在潜在的用药风险及药物相互作用、疗效降低等方面,该院对国家基本药 物制度的实施需要进一步加强。 关键词:基本药物;消化性溃疡;合理用药;处方点评 中图分类号:R954 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-6376 (2015) 02 - 0200 - 04 DOI: 10.7501/j.issn.1674-6376.2014.02.018 Outpatient utilization of essential drug prescription for peptic ulcer disease in Affiliated Hospital of Jiujiang College ZHANG Hua-feng, RUAN Wen-jing, LI Zhi-mei, WANG Ding-qing, YANG Hai-yun Department of Pharmacy, The Affiliated Hospital of Jiujiang College, Jiujiang 332000, China Abstract: Objective To evaluate the utility circumstance of essential drug prescription in Digestive Internal Medicine of Affiliated Hospital of Jiujiang College, to give the advice for improving the utilization rate and to provide the theoretical basis for developing the essential drugs. The evaluation on reasonable use of the essential drugs was carried out. Methods To make the random sampling of recipes in November, 2013 from the hospital computer system and give the evaluation according to Essential Drugs Prescription Review Guide . We used Excel to make the statistical analysis on the reasonable use. Results The essential drug prescription accounted for 51.83% in all sampling recipes; The cost proportion of essential drug prescription accounted for 14.75%; No preferably used essential drug prescription accounted for 48. 18%; The no-standard ess



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