相对论的几何表述_(The geometric expression of relativity _).doc

相对论的几何表述_(The geometric expression of relativity _).doc

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相对论的几何表述_(The geometric expression of relativity _)

相对论的几何表述_(The geometric expression of relativity _) Vol. 17 No. 7, volume 7, volume 7 COLLEGE PHYSICS July 1998 The geometry of the theory of relativity Liang Canbin (physics department, Beijing normal university, Beijing 100875) A little bit of general relativity The essence of gravity is space-time curvature The principle of special relativity is actually about the laws of physics The law, which requires all laws of physics to have lorentz invariance. Therefore, in the establishment of special relativity physics, it should be The standard reexamines the existing laws of physics that fit this need What is demanded is still regarded as the law, which does not meet this requirement It is to be modified until it meets the requirements as the laws of physics The framework of the physics of the relativistic relativistic physics Magnetic theory. The MCS equation is inherently lorentz invariance This can be seen more clearly in a four-dimensional form In the physics of special relativity, which is not changed It is not surprising that special relativity is important The first is the contradiction between the theory of wheat and the theory of non-relativistic time Im going to review Newtons second law. Its a gamma constant, so It cant be lorentz invariant. In fact, its Newtons second order The law can introduce the particle at the constant force of the rate of infinite increase, only This point is not long before the special theory of relativity. So Newton The second law must be modified, the modified particle motion equation is F = dp/dt, p = gamma mu, gamma congruent (1 - u2 / C2) - 1/2. Third, were going to review Newtons theory of gravity The important equation of Newtonian gravity is to reflect the gravitational potential  and poisson equation of the relationship between mass density rho Δ  2 = 4 PI rho, but has no lorentz invariance of this equation, because of its solutions  (r, t) = rho (r ), t) | | r - r Show sites r t moment of gravitational potential  by eac



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