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生物技术通报 BIO TE CHN OLOG Y B ULLETIN 2011 5 RNA 冀颖 李梅 蒋细良 ( , 100081) : 随着丝状真菌模式生物基因组测序工作的进行, 其提供的大 未知功能的基因序列, 为研究丝状真菌的基因 功能开辟了新的方向,并已成为生命科学领域研究的热点对基因功能研究中最新的两种方法 基因打靶和 RNA i技术的 原理技术路线和特点以及应用情况进行综述 : 功能基因组学 基因打靶 RNA i 融合PCR ATMT Application of G ene Targeting and RNA i in Fungus Functional G enom ics JiY ing LiMei Jiang X iliang (K ey Laboratoryf orB iological Control of M inistry of Agriculture, Institute of PlantP rotection, ChineseA cademy of Agricultural Science, B eij ing 100081) Abstrac:t W ith the co pletion of geno e sequencing of the odel fila entous fung,i it provides lots ofunknown gene sequences which initiates a new areaof studying the functions of these genes. Further ore, the research of functional geno ics has beco e a hot topic of life science. In this paper, principle, technical route, features and applications of gene targeting and RNA i technology, which is the latest ethods on research gene function, was reviewed. K ey w ords: Functionalgeno ics Gene targeting RNA i Fusion PCR ATMT , ,, , RNA ,, 11 基因打靶技术的原理 ( ho ologous re RNA co bination, HR), DNA , , ,, 1 20 80 , , : : , ( 2006AD08A02), (2006AA10A211), ( 201015), (SKL20100P17) : , , , : ; E ai:l jin 126. co : , , , E ail: xljiang@ caas. net. cn 2011 5


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