日本沼虾生精细胞核的形态变化及其在真虾部caridea - 应用生态学报.pdf

日本沼虾生精细胞核的形态变化及其在真虾部caridea - 应用生态学报.pdf

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日本沼虾生精细胞核的形态变化及其在真虾部caridea - 应用生态学报

2000 10 11 5 CH INESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY , Oct. 2000, 11(5)! 63~ 66 Caridea * * * 杨万喜 周 宏 ( , 310012) ( TEM) . ; , ; , . . ; . Morphological variation of spermatogenic cell nucleus in Macrobrachium nipp onense( de Haan) and its status during reproductive evolution of Caridea. YANG Wanxi and ZHOU Hong ( College of Lif e Science, Zhej iang University , Hangzhou 310012) .Chin. J. Appl. Ecol. , 2000, 11( 5) : 63~ 66. The morphological variation of nucleus during spermatogenesis in acrobrachium nipponense and its status during the reproductive evolution of Caridean shrimp w ere investigated using transmission electron microscopy( TEM) technique. During the w hole process of spermatogenesis, the nuclear morphology of spermatogenic cell varied from spherical or el lipsoidal to shallowdishlike shape, and the nuclear membrane existed only in the rear part of mature sperm varied from intact to unintegrated one. The chromatin gradually varied from loosen to coacervative one, and then, developed differ entially into tw o t ypes of nucleus in t he mature sperm, i. e. , vesicular nucleus and filamental nucleus, which became an important characteristics of acrobrachium nipponense.These nuclear morphological variations could be regarded as an important classifying property among Decapoda, on which, studies could contribute much to the analysis of the status of this species in the reproductive evolution of Caridean shrimp. Key words acrobrachium nipponense, Reproductive evolution, Spermatogenesis, Spermatogenic cell, Cell nucleus. , Tudge[ 11] 1 , , [2] [5]


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