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安徽农业科学,Journal of Anhui Agri. Sci. 20 14 ,42 (3):729 - 730 责任编辑 刘月娟 责任校对 卢瑶 土壤中有害氰化物的检测方法 , , 韩康芹 张云肖 冯敏英 ( , 050021) 河北水文工程地质勘察院 河北石家庄 [ ] 。 [ ]《 》GB / T 5750-2006 - 摘要 目的 为了准确检测出土壤中氰化物的含量 方法 生活饮用水标准检验方法 异烟酸 吡唑酮分光光度 , , 、 、 、 、 法检测水中氰化物的方法已被广泛采用 但是土壤基质相当复杂 测定过程中基质干扰 固体颗粒的吸附 土样保存 蒸馏 萃取等过程 , 。 [ ] , , 均有可能导致其含量的损失 直接影响检测结果的准确性 结果 质量控制中 采用平行样品检测控制其精密度 加标回收率的测定 。 [ ] 。 控制其准确度 结论 检出结果能正确地反映氰化物在土壤中的含量 ; ; ; 关键词 土壤 氰化物 检测方法 标准溶液 中图分类号 S 156 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517 - 6611 (2014)03 - 00729 - 02 Detection Method of Harmful Canide in Soil HAN Kang-qin et al (Hebei Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Exploration Institute ,Shijiazhuang ,Hebei 050021) Abstract [Objective]The research aimed to accurately detect the content of cyanide in soil. [Method]Isonicotinic acid-pyrazolone detec- tion spectrophotometry in Drinking Water Standard Test Method GB / T 5750-2006 had been widely used in the detection of cyanide in water. The soil matrix was quite complex. Matrix interference in the process of determination ,solid particle adsorption ,soil conservation ,distillation , and extraction processes were likely to lead to the content of the loss,directly affect the accuracy of test results. [Result]The quality was con- trolled by the determination of samples with parallel detection ,and the accuracy was controlled by the determination of recovery rate. [Conclu- sion]The detection result was proved to correctly reflect the content of cyanide in soil. Key words Soil ;Cyanide ;Detection method ;Standard solution , 2 土壤是陆地地表能生


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