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提 要 目的:研究金匮肾气丸与右归丸对“劳倦过度、房事不节”肾阳虚小鼠(雄性) 的治疗作用,探讨两方对治疗以生殖机能低下为主要表现的肾阳虚证的不同作用机 理。方法:通过迫使雄性小鼠每日游泳以诱导劳倦过度,频繁交配以诱导房事不节, 建立“劳倦过度、房事不节”肾阳虚模型,对治疗组小鼠分别应用金匮肾气丸与右归 丸进行治疗。结果:造型组出现肾阳虚症状,主要有倦怠、精神萎靡,游泳过后主动 拥挤在一起,活动少,畏寒怕冷,皮毛不光泽,大便清稀等。4周后与对照组相比LDH-x 的相对活性显著降低(P0.01)。应用金匮肾气丸和右归丸进行分别治疗后,整体状 况均得到改善,但金匮肾气丸组较右归丸组为优;同时发现,金匮肾气丸与右归丸对 精子特异酶LDH-x相对活性影响存在差别;右归丸组的LDH-x相对活性高于金匮肾气 丸组,同时,右归丸组与对照组LDH-x相对活性无统计学意义的差别。结论:金匮肾 气丸与右归丸对改善肾阳虚证的症状和提高精子特异酶 LDH-x 相对活性均有较好作 用,其中,金匮肾气丸组对肾阳虚小鼠整体状况的改善优于右归丸组,而右归丸组对 肾阳虚小鼠生殖机能的改善优于肾气丸组,提示我们金匮肾气丸与右归丸对肾阳虚证 存在不同的治疗作用。 关键词 肾气丸;右归丸;肾阳虚;LDH-x;比较研究 Research on the Difference of LDH-x between Shen Qi Bolus and You Gui Bolus on the male rat with Kidney-yang Deficiency Specially: TCM clinic basis-Jin Gui Yao Lue Author: Peng Liu Tutor: Hanhua Tao Abstract Objective: Explore the Different Mechanisms betwwen ShenQi bolus and YouGui bolus by research on the Therapeutic Effect of Shen Qi bolus and You Gui bolus on the male rat with Kidney-yang Deficiency caused by “Fatigue and Sexual strain ”. Methods: It is induced by forced to swim everyday and frequent copulation to establish the rat model with Kidney-yang Deficiency, and then to treat the treatment group with Shen Qi Bolus and You Gui Bolus. Results: the model group show the kidney-yang deficiency syndrome with reproductive capacity recession as the chief expression, comparing to the control group as follow: the weight lighting and the temperature dropping; the total activation of LDH and the relative activation of LDH-x in the testicle reduce, too. As for the treatment group,the above conditions are obviously getting better. In addition, You Gui bolus show better than Shen Qi bolus .Conclusions: Shen Qi Bolus and You Gui Bolus can both improve the p


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