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提 要 本研究运用祖国医学理论和中西医结合的方法,从理论、临床研究两方面对以周 围关节炎为主的活动期强直性脊柱炎的病因病机、治法方药进行了较为系统的深入探 讨。认为湿热瘀毒痹阻经络是其主要病机,临床以清热解毒利湿活血为主要治法,拟 定脊痹清饮方剂联合柳氮磺胺吡啶(SSZ)为观察组,以单纯 SSZ 为对照组,共观察 60 例患者。结果显示:观察组控显率为 70.00%,优于单纯 SSZ 组(26.67%);在改善 临床症状、体征、实验室指标等方面观察组均优于对照组(P ﹤0.01或P ﹤0.05)。结 合现代医学及中药药理学分析,其作用机制可能是通过抗感染、抗炎镇痛、调节免疫 功能、改善血液流变性等方面,从多环节对以周围关节炎为主的活动期强直性脊柱炎 发挥有效的治疗作用。 关键词 强直性脊柱炎;周围关节炎;脊痹清饮;临床研究 The clinical study of Jibiqing-Drink On Mainly involve peripheral arthritis Ankylosing Spondylitis in active phase Speciality:Internal Medicine of T.C.M Rheumatic Disease Author:Zhang Wenzhen Tutor:Professor Zhou Cuiying Abstract The use of Chinese medicine theory and the method of combining traditional Chinese and western medicine, in theory, clinical research activities on both sides of ankylosing spondylitis around the etiology and pathogenesis of arthritis, and treatment of prescription system for a more in-depth study. Stasis drug Bizu hot and humid that Meridian is active ankylosing spondylitis of the main machine, a clinical Qingrejiedu Lishi Huoxue as the main governance laws and the development of the Jibiqing-Drink -proprietary sulfasalazine (SSZ) for the Observer group to SSZ alone for the control group, 60 patients were observed. The results showed that: To observe the Control significant rate of 70.00%, better than SSZ group (26.67%); in improving clinical symptoms, signs, laboratory indicators in the Observer group were gifted in the control group (P 0.01, P 0.05). Chinese medicine with modern medicine and pharmacology analysis, the mechanism may be through anti-infection, anti-inflammatory and analgesic, and the regulation of the immune functions, and improve blood rheology and


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