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一、关于雷锋的英语作文 雷锋短暂的一生 根据下面所给的材料,写出100词左右的短文,叙述雷锋短暂的一生,即给雷锋同志写一份简历。 童年:失去父母及兄弟姐妹,孤儿 1949年:家乡解放后有机会去上学,在校勤奋学习 1962年:因公去世 业绩:热爱党,热爱社会主义,严于律己,乐于助人 毛主席题词:向雷锋同志学习 Lei Fengs Short Life Comrade Lei Feng was born in Changsha in 1940, a city in South China. He was from a very poor peasants family. When he was a little boy, his parents, sister and brother were all dead,so he became an orphan. Only after his hometown was liberated in 1949,did he have a chance to go to school. He studied and worked very hard, so he became a League member in 1959. In the spring of 1960,Lei Fen joined the PLA. He was always ready to help others. In November, 1960,he joined the Chinese Communist Party. He was strict with himself. He always thought of others first, but never himself. Lei Feng died at his post in 1962.He was only 22 at that time. In honour of him, Chairman Mao called the whole nation to learn from him. 【词语解释】 die at ones post [p ust] 因公殉职/去世 二、关于校车安全问题的英语作文 Recently, we often see on TV or newspaper about the school bus accident for registration. Many students for the school bus accident injury, even so many innocent little life ruined, this shows the seriousness of the school bus accident. For years with the development of economy, the cars on the road more and more, the accident is frequent, so the school bus accident had to cause we the high value. I think the relevant national authorities should take the perfect school bus standard, completes the school bus design, production, transformation, equipped with the work, and establish the corresponding management system, the appropriate funds to raise money for the school bus. Increase the degree of concern to peoples school bus, called on all together, protect the school bus on the school bus. 三、其他方面的作文 1、初中生活马上就要结束了,三年的初中生活一定给你留下了很多挥之不去的回忆。请你给大家讲一个最值得你回忆的故事。包括时间、人物、事情经过和事后你的感想(请不要写出真实的学校名称以及真实姓名)。 提示词供参考。three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry How time flies!I have studied in my school for three years. And I will g



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