外研社新标准高中必修1 Module3 单元.ppt

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外研社新标准高中必修1 Module3 单元

Module 3 My First Ride on a Train;Introduction;How many means of transportation do you know?;Different vehicles travel in different ways;Match the verbs with the pictures.;Describe the first time you travelled a long distance. Say how old you were, where you went and who you went with.;Underline the Language points (p21) distance take off refer to match means ;distance 为名词,意为间距,距离;油画应该在一定距离外欣赏。 Oil painting should be appreciated __________ 他总是和别人保持一定距离 He always _______________________. 在距离500米的地方有一个车站 There is a bus stop ______________ 500 meters. 我看着他渐渐消失在远方 I watched him disappear___________________. 多年后他们变得疏远了。 They _____________ after many years. ;油画应该在一定距离外欣赏 Oil painting should be appreciated at a distance 他总是和别人保持一定距离 He always keeps others at a distance. 在距离500米的地方有一个车站 There is a bus stop at/from a distance of 500m. 我看着他渐渐消失在远方 I watched him disappear in the distance. 多年后他们变得疏远了。 They become distant after many years. ;take 动词短语 take on / take up / take off /take over / take in After his father died ,he ________ his business My hometown has _______a new look in the past 10 years . His career has ________ since his new book became the best seller . Part time job has ________most of his time in the evening . Dont be _______ by his charm—he is ruthless. ;refer to 指的是;涉及, 谈到;查阅,参考 (-rr-) refer to sb/sth as ... 将...称为... (Translation) Please refer to the instructions before operation . What I said just now refers to all of you . The problem you referred to just now has been solved. He was referred to as the true hero . You can refer to the dictionary if you come across difficult words. Have you got any reference book? ;1. Match 匹配,配套,相称; vt. A Match B 与...匹配;与...匹敌 The tie matchs your suit well. No one can match him in swimming. match A with B 把A与B搭配起来 vi. A and b match 相配 Your tie and your suit don’t match. n. match 相配之物/敌手 You are no match for me at football. 2. sth suit sb 时间/颜色/款式/口味/天气 The food just suits me fine. 3


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