人的记忆周期和记忆曲线(Human memory cycle and memory curve).doc

人的记忆周期和记忆曲线(Human memory cycle and memory curve).doc

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人的记忆周期和记忆曲线(Human memory cycle and memory curve)

人的记忆周期和记忆曲线(Human memory cycle and memory curve) The human memory cycle is divided into two types: short-term memory and long-term memory. The first memory cycle is 5 minutes. The second memory cycle is 30 minutes. The third memory cycle is 12 hours. These three memory cycles belong to the category of short-term memory. Here are a few important cycles. The fourth memory cycle is 1 days. The fifth memory cycle is 2 days. The sixth memory cycle is 4 days. The seventh memory cycle is 7 days. The eighth memory cycle is 15 days. Forgetting curve German psychologist Ebbinghaus (H.Ebbinghaus) study found that forgetting begins immediately after learning, and forgetting is the process is not homogeneous. At first, forgetting was very fast and then gradually slowed down. He believes that maintaining and forgetting is a function of time, and according to the results of his experiment as described in the process of forgetting curve, the famous Ebbinghaus forgetting curve. The human brain is a treasure house of memory, the things that the human brain has experienced, the problems that have been thought, the emotions and emotions that have been experienced, the actions that have been practiced, can become the content of peoples memory. For example, in English learning, words, phrases and sentences, and even the content of the article are done through memory. From the mind to memories is a process, which includes memorization, retention, recognition and recall. There are a lot of people in the process of learning English, the study focused only on the memory effect at the time, but to do a good job of learning and memory, is to make some efforts, focusing solely on the memory effect, while ignoring the keeping and recognition of the same is not good effect later the. In the process of information processing, memory is the process of encoding, storing and extracting input information. From the point of view of information processing, the first learning and recitation of English is



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