县级爱国卫生管理办法(Measures for the administration of Patriotic Health at the county level).doc

县级爱国卫生管理办法(Measures for the administration of Patriotic Health at the county level).doc

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县级爱国卫生管理办法(Measures for the administration of Patriotic Health at the county level)

县级爱国卫生管理办法(Measures for the administration of Patriotic Health at the county level) Measures for the administration of Patriotic Health in * * county (for Trial Implementation) Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 in order to promote the patriotic health work, improve the level of public health and the health of citizens, improve the social environment of health, disease prevention, protecting peoples health, according to the Peoples Republic of China food hygiene law, hygiene regulations in public places, Peoples Republic of China communicable disease prevention act, the State Council on strengthening the patriotic health work, the city appearance and environmental sanitation management regulations, Yunnan Province, city appearance and environmental sanitation management measures, combined with the actual development of the management of county. Second the patriotic health work refers to the strengthening of public health awareness, prevention and control of disease, reduce health risk factors, improve environmental health, advocating civilized health habits, improve peoples health level for the purpose by the government and the whole society to participate in social activities and health. Third of the county organs, groups, enterprises and institutions and other organizations (hereinafter referred to as units) and individuals should comply with the management measures. Fourth patriotic health work shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of government organization, classification, responsibility, coordination among departments, participation by all the people, scientific administration, social supervision and classified guidance. Article fifth the peoples governments at all levels must strengthen the patriotic health work of leadership, the patriotic health work into the overall plan for national economic and social development overall arrangement, make improvement of the health status and the coordinated development of economic construction. The s



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