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·综 述 · 纳他霉素等多烯类抗生素作用机制及研究方法 * 董贤慧,钱涛,高维娟 (承德医学院病理生理学教研室,河北 承德 067000) 摘要:目的 介绍纳他霉素的作用机制及近年来的研究方法。方法 综合国内外文献报道,简述纳他霉素等多烯类抗生 素的性质、作用机制及研究方法。结果 研究抗真菌药物的作用机制有利于研发新型药物和改善己有药物的药学特性, 并且能够指导临床合理的联合用药,新技术新方法的应用将有助于深入研究多烯类抗真菌抗生素的作用机制。结论 本 文为研究纳他霉素作用机制及国内拥有自主知识产权的产品开发提供参考。 关键词:抗真菌药物;多烯类抗生素;两性霉素 B ;纳他霉素;作用机制 中图分类号:R978.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1007-7693(2010)10-0878-05 The Mechanism of Action and Research Methods of Natamycin and Polyene Antimycotics * DONG Xianhui, QIAN Tao, GAO Weijuan (Pathophysiology Apartment of Chengde Medical University, Chengde 067000, China) ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVE To introduce the mechanism of action and research methods in recent years of natamycin. METHODS Sketch the nature, mechanism of action and research method of natamycin and other polyene antibiotics according to relative literatures. RESULTS To study the mechanism action of antifungal drugs is not only in favor of the study of new type drug and the improvement of the pharmacy character of the existing drugs, but also can guide the clinical reasonable drug combination. The application of the new technology and new method can help study the mechanism action of the polyene antifungal drugs deeply. CONCLUSION This paper gives consulation to the further research of natamycin and exploitation of new pruduct which has independent intellectual property right. KEY WORDS: antifungal; polyene antibiotics; antifungal B; natamycin; mechanism of action 真菌对于健康人体而言通常是条件致病菌, 历史,1955年抗真菌药物两性霉素问世,1960年 当机体抵抗力下降、外部因素不良时有可能造成 被用于临床,抗真菌药物的家族在不断壮大。多 全身或局部感染。随着环境的污染、广谱抗生素、 烯类抗真菌抗生素发挥着重要的作用,该类药物主 皮质类固醇以及免疫抑制剂的广泛应用、先进诊 要包括两性霉素B及其脂质体、纳他霉素、制霉菌 疗技术如器官移植等的推广、以及肿瘤放化疗的 素、曲古霉素


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