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Represented Speech 描述性引语 Content Definition Description Detailed Examples Research Results 描述性引语 间 接 独 白 Represented Speech It is a rhetorical device which borders upon both direct speech and indirect speech. Usually, it is used not to quote a character’s remarks but to disclose his inner world activities. So it is often employed in modern novels to reveal a character’s innermost thoughts. If appropriately used, represented speech can make the writing smooth and vivid. Definition Description welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience 英语修辞格represented speech (描述性引语),又称作Free Indirect Speech(非纯粹间接引语,或自由间接引语),也叫做Oblique Monologue(间接独白),它的格式既不同于直接引语,因为它不是准确引述别人原话,不用引号;又不同于间接引语,因为它不是从作者或说话人的角度来转述别人的话,它是介于两者之间的一种特殊的修辞方式,或者说是两者的混合体,兼有两者的特点。它是作者对事物的叙述,又是人物内心的活动。 Categories Free indirect speech It shares the basic features of indirect speech but at the same time displays some characteristic of its own. For instance, in represented speech, we can use general questions, special question, disjunctive questions and so on. Free direct speech It maintains the general characters of direct speech except the use of quotation mark. Detailed Example 2 3 1 直接引语:Hunter thought, “But was it the whole secret and the top secret?” Hunter had got the secret. But was it the whole secret and the top secret? He drove home, in a hurry. 间接引语:But Hunter doubted if it was the whole secret and the top secret. Features 只用间接引语部分,省略了引语注释部分如be thought, she said, they asked等,显得简洁。 标点符号与语序跟直接引语一样;而人称,指示代词,副词等又要和间接引语一样做相应的变换。 常用来描写人物的内心语言,生动,直接,给读者身临其境之感。 Examples welcome to use these PowerPoint templates, New Content design, 10 years experience The old lady was eighty tonight. She had put on her best dress. Perhaps —— perhaps Myra might come. After all, eighty was a special birthday, another decade lived or endured just as you close to look at it. 今天是老太太的八十寿辰。她穿上最好的衣裙。也许——也许迈拉会来吧。不管怎么说,八十大寿毕竟非同一般——你又活了十年,或者说你又熬过了十年,是活是熬,就在于你怎么看了。 解


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