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Lesson 11 One good turn deserves another 善有善报 单词讲解 【New words and expressions】生词和短语(6) turn n. 行为,举止 deserve v. 应得到,值得 lawyer n. 律师 bank n. 银行 salary n. 工资 immediately adv. 立刻 turn v. turn on/ turn off (装有阀门、有开关的东西) turn on the light 打开灯 turn off the light 关掉灯 turn on the TV 打开电视 turn off the TV 关掉电视 turn on the tap 打开水龙头 turn off the tap 关掉水龙头 turn down 调小一些 turn up 调大一些 turn over 翻身 turn round 转过身来 turn around 转过身来 turn sb down/let sb down 让…..失望 eg. Dont turn your mother country down. 不要让祖国失望。 eg. Dont turn your parents down. 不要让父母失望。 eg. Dont turn yourself down. 不要让自己失望。 turn sth down 拒绝某事(refuse sth) turn my plan down 拒绝我的计划 turn my help down 拒绝我的帮助 turn against 背叛 eg. Ill never turn against my motherland. 我永远不会背叛我的祖国。 turn n. 1) 举止,行为 eg. Oh, good turn. 干得不错。 One good turn deserves another 善有善报. 2) 轮流,顺序 eg. I knew that my turn had come. 我知道这回轮到我了。 eg. They are on duty in turn. 他们在轮流值班。 deserve v. 应得的,值得(中性,可褒,可贬) eg. You deserve it . 你应得的。/ 活该。 or: You are worthy of it. eg. I dont deserve you. 我配不上你。 eg. I dont deserve that. 不敢当。 eg. One good turn deserves another. 礼尚往来。 eg. Joe deserves the top prize. 乔应该得到一等奖。 worth adj. 值得的 be worth doing 值得做 eg. The film is worth seeing the second time. 这部电影值得再看一遍。 eg. The book is worth reading. 这本书值得一读。 be worthy of 值得….的,足以….的 be worthy of praise / be worthy to be praised 值得被表扬的 worthwhile adj. 值得花时间、金钱的,值得做的 a worthwhile task 一件值得做的工作 lawyer (law) n. 律师 需要保守秘密的行业: secretary [sekr?t?ri] 秘书 lawyer 律师 priest


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