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750 kV输电线路戈壁碎石土地基直柱掏挖基础试验
第31 卷 第9 期 电 力 建 设 Vol.31,No.9
·22 · 2010 年9 月 Electric Power Construction Sep,2010
中图分类号:TM 75 ,TU 41 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1000-7229 (2010 )09-0022-04
李永祥 ,张 西 ,周吉安1 1 2
(1.甘肃省电力设计院,兰州市,730050 ;2.甘肃省电力公司,兰州市,730050 )
LIYong-xiang ,ZHANGXi ,ZHOUJi-an1 1 2
ABSTRACT :Gobi gavel soil is the typical ground for the 价、工期具有重要的影响,是电网长期安全运行的重
towers of 750 kV transmission lines in the northwest China. In 要保障,也是输电线路工程建设中环境保护的重要方
order to utilize the good engineering property of the undisturbed [1-3]
面 。近年来,我国西北地区的输电线路建设步伐加
Gobi gavel soil, and to reduce the consumption of construction 快,覆盖陕、甘、青、宁、新5 省(区)的750 kV 骨干网架
material, the excavated column foundation is proposed for Gobi
gavel ground. Static loading tests were performed on 12
excavated vertical column foundations on three different typical
的选型和设计是该地区750 kV 骨干网架建设的重要
grounds, and corresponding design methods and computation
parameters were obtained. It is indicated that the excavated 研究课题。
vertical pile foundation, being good in uplift bearing capacity,
1 戈壁碎石土地基直柱掏挖基础应用
safe in construction and good in economy and environmental
protection, can be used as tower foundations for 750 kV 戈壁碎石土地基的