A Fast and Accurate Projection Algorithm for 3D (一个快速和准确的投影算法对3 d).pdf

A Fast and Accurate Projection Algorithm for 3D (一个快速和准确的投影算法对3 d).pdf

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A Fast and Accurate Projection Algorithm for 3D (一个快速和准确的投影算法对3 d)

Presented at the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, San Diego, Feb. 21-27, 1998 A Fast and Accurate Projection Algorithm for 3D Cone-Beam Reconstruction with the Algebraic Reconstruction Technique (ART) 1,2 1 2 Klaus Mueller , Roni Yagel , and John J. Wheller 1 Department of Computer and Information Science, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 2 Department of Pediatrics, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH ABSTRACT The prime motivation of this work is to devise a projection algorithm that makes the Algebraic Reconstruction Tech- nique (ART) and related methods more efficient for routine clinical use without compromising their accuracy. While we focus mostly on a fast implementation of ART-type methods in the context of 3D cone-beam reconstruction, most of the material presented here is also applicable to speed up 2D slice reconstruction from fan-beam data. In this paper, we utilize the concepts of the splatting algorithm, which is a well known and very efficient voxel-driven projection technique for parallel projection, and devise an extension for perspective cone-beam projection that is con- siderably more accurate than previously outlined extensions. Since this new voxel-driven splatting algorithm must make great sacrifices with regards to computational speed, we describe a new 3D ray-driven projector that uses similar concepts than the voxel-driven projector but is considerably faster, and, at the same time, also more accurate. We con- clude that with the proposed fast projection algorithm the computational cost of cone-beam ART can be reduced sig- nificantly with the added benefit of slight gains in accuracy. A further conclusion of our studies is that for parallel-beam



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