7. PROJECT EVALUATION - International Labour (7所示。).pdf

7. PROJECT EVALUATION - International Labour (7所示。).pdf

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7. PROJECT EVALUATION - International Labour (7所示。)

7. PROJECT EVALUATION 7. PROJECT EVALUATION CONTENTS INTRODUCTION AND POLICY CONTEXT 3 CONCEPT OF PROJECT EVALUATION 3 Evaluation as part of managing for impact 3 Learning from projects 5 The clients of project evaluation 7 PRINCIPLES OF PROJECT EVALUATION 8 Strengthening credibility and accountability 9 Learning to improve 9 National ownership and participation 10 Professional and ethical conduct 10 ILO POLICIES 11 Financing for project evaluations 11 Types of evaluations 11 Required evaluations according to type of project 12 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Evaluation manager 14 Evaluation focal persons in regional offices and technical sectors 15 Project manager 15 ILO responsible official and project backstoppers 15 Evaluator 16 ILO Evaluation Unit 16 PREPARING FOR AN EVALUATION 17 Defining the purpose, scope and clients of an evaluation 17 Applying the project logic as a reference point 17 What to evaluate? The key evaluation criteria and questions 19 Preparing the terms of reference of the evaluation 23 Hiring a consultant 25 IMPLEMENTATION OF PROJECT EVALUATION AND EVALUATION REPORT ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. Implementation 26 Structure of the evaluation report 26 Discussion of the evaluation findings and preparation of final report 28 FOLLOW-UP, DISSEMINATION AND KNOWLEDGE SHARING 30 Follow-up to evaluation findings and recommendations 30 Dissemination 30 Knowledge sharing and organizational learning 30 ANNEX ILO TECHNICAL COOPERATION MANUAL - VERSION 1 7. PROJECT EVALUATION 1. Glossary of evaluation terms ILO TECHNICAL COOPERATION MANUAL – VERSION 1 2 7. PROJECT EVALUATION INTRODUCTION AND POLICY CONTEXT This chapter sets out the principles and p


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