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农地征收中发展权价值评估与分配研究 ——以郑州市为例 摘要:农地征收补偿标准严重偏低的主要原因之一是发展权价值补偿的缺失,补偿标准制定中将农地发展权价值纳入考虑对实现公平补偿有积极意义。农地发展权价值应为由用途变更而产生的自然增值,其价值量化可以城镇综合用途末级土地基准地价减去基础设施投入成本、再减去农地现状用途经济价值,其价值分配应兼顾国家、集体和失地农民,具体分配情况因农业内部安置和脱农安置两种不同的假设前提而异。郑州市实证研究表明:农地发展权价值达481元/M2,其中应属于国家的数额为272元/M2,以脱农安置假设前提为例,单是失地农民应得发展权价值就达209/M2,合139333元/亩,与郑州市现行征地平均区片价标准82152元/亩相较发现,失地农民补偿标准依然偏低。 关键词:农地征收;发展权价值;评估方法;发展权价值分配;郑州市 [中图分类号]:F301.1 [文献标识码]:A A Study on Evaluation and Distribution of the Right to Development Value in Farmland Expropriation ZHU Xiao-gang1,2 (1.Henan radio &Television University, Zhengzhou 450008 Hennan.2. Zhengzhou Vocational University of Information and Technology, Zhengzhou 450046 Hennan.) Abstract: Deficiency of value compensation to the right of development is one of the major reasons why the farmland expropriation compensation standard is severely undervalued, so it is significant to have the value of farmland development right included in formulation of compensation standards,which embodies the fairness of compensation. The value of farmland development right is the unearned increment from land use variation. Its value quantification should be evaluated as the following: preferred value of mixed-use of town last stage land minus the costs of infrastructure investment, and minus the economic value of the farmland which has grown fast in current use. The distribution of the unearned increment from land should benefit three parties梩he farmers who have lost their landse, the community which these farmers belong to, and the state, therefore , the specific methods of value distribution should be different based on the two different ways of agricultural resettlement: agricultural internal placement and removal resettlement. The research in city of Zhengzhou has shown that the value of farmland development right is up to 481 yuan /M2, among which the amount of 272 yuan /M2 should be handed over to the state, for example, in the removal resettlement, landless peasants should get the value


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