苏教版牛津英语9A unit 5 第六课时教案与练习.doc

苏教版牛津英语9A unit 5 第六课时教案与练习.doc

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苏教版牛津英语9A unit 5 第六课时教案与练习

牛津9A 教案 Unit5 Films — Grammar (II) 第6课时 教学目标: 知识目标1. To use ‘should’, ‘ought to’, ‘had better’, ‘have to’ and ‘must’ to give advice. 2. To learn to use ‘why not’, ‘why don’t you’ and ‘perhaps’ to give advice. 能力目标Learn how to give advice 情感目标To give advice adequately and appropriately 教学重点:Learn how to give advice 教学难点?:To give advice adequately and appropriately 课前预习: A.预习生词。 将课本P90-91生词标上记号,读准且背出这些生词,并到组长处过关 B.短语翻译 1. leave Beijing in July 2. leave a magazine at home 3. out of breath 4. the film review 5. review the words 6.保持安静 7.气喘嘘嘘地到那儿 8.丢了钱包 9.等待他 10.错过做某事 11.加入戏剧俱乐部 12.改进你的英语 13.第一个离开这儿 14.进电影院 15.上厕所 16.给她一些建议 17.在公共汽车站等(他) 18.最好(别)做某事 C. Lily 在写句子时有些单词不会写,你能帮助她完成下面的句子吗? 1.He took a deep (呼吸) before he began his speech. 2.He i on his ideas. And at last, he succeeded. 3. Many children like eating (爆米花) while they are seeing films. 4. Instead of beer, I like drinking . 5. Please (go over again in the mind) what you have learned before taking the exam. 预习作业中涉及到了生词、词组的预习,是有针对性的。除此之外可以涉及一些对语法的预习,这样在新授时学生的认知度更高些。 教学过程: Part One预习作业预习交流 Step 1 Revisioncheck out the previewed work 1. Do some translations orally: 1). After we had fed the dog, we took it for a walk. 2). When I arrived, she had bought the tickets already. 3). Had you seen any of her films before you saw this one? 4). After Millie had finished her homework, she watched a film on TV. 5). When I arrived at the cinema, the film had started. 2. Check out the previewed work Part Two 交流展示点拨提高 Step2. Free talk lead into the topic


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