江南长城(Jiangnan the Great Wall).doc

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江南长城(Jiangnan the Great Wall) In the spring and Autumn period, the ancient Chinese people have begun to build the Great Wall, that when the princes hegemony, in order to protect their territory from being invaded, so their borders have built the Great Wall, called each other against the Great Wall. There have been three peaks of the Great Wall construction in China, namely the Great Wall of Qin Dynasty, the Great Wall in Han Dynasty and Ming the Great Wall. Qin Shihuang unified China in 221 BC, established the Qin Dynasty, in order to strengthen the rule of intrusion defense of the northern nomads, so sent Meng Tian 300 thousand troops and a lot of labor to the original North Yan, Zhao and Qin the Great Wall together, and be expanded, took 9 years to build a West East to Lintao Liaodong the Great Wall stretches thousands of miles, this is the first China history of the Great Wall. To the Han Dynasty, Emperor Wu also to strengthen the defense, Ma Jiaohu Yinshan degrees, the construction of a nearly twenty thousand miles of the Great Wall, which also protects the development of the new Silk Road, Han Qin the Great Wall the Great Wall is a frontier and the defense, it is west of Xinjiang, east to Liaodong, is the construction of the Great Wall Chinese history the longest dynasty. The Ming the Great Wall is the highest peak in the construction of the Great Wall in Chinese history, the project is big, the essence of technology is unique. Zhu Yuanzhang was in the process of the reunification of the country to establish the Ming Dynasty in the adoption of a high wall, wide grain, slow kings proposal. At that time, although the Yuan Dynasty has been destroyed, but has maintained a relatively complete military strength, coupled with the gradual rise of the continued harassment of the Jurchen, it began building the Great Wall. The large-scale construction of the Great Wall reached 18 times in the Ming Dynasty. It was basically completed by the end of the Ming Dynasty. The tig



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