楷书的基本笔画和运笔方法(The basic strokes of script and brush method).doc

楷书的基本笔画和运笔方法(The basic strokes of script and brush method).doc

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楷书的基本笔画和运笔方法(The basic strokes of script and brush method) The basic strokes and stroke - script method I. Basic stroke pens (1) Lu Feng: writing homeopathy into the paper, pen pen exposed, and adjust the meal after the line of writing. In general in the script exposed front is less, and in the running script and cursive script in common, in order to give people spirit coherent, smart beautiful feeling. But if you write badly, you will have a sharp or weak feeling. (2) Cangfeng: relative to Lufeng terms. An inverse Front into the paper, writing content, pause and adjust the line of writing again. The direction is generally to the left to right, to right to left, the first principle to. The Tibetan front in the script, seal character Lishu and commonly used, the pen is one of the most basic method, its use in running script and cursive script in terms of relatively less exposed front. Cang Feng gives people a sense of integrity, dignity, implication and grandeur. But the writing is not good, the machine will be lack of vitality. (3) Center: the center is the pen and adjust the line of writing, the writing is not unilateral, as far as the middle line of the pen point line. Center line of writing method is the most important point is the most basic, basic writing method is also showing the lines of texture intensity of the United states. In writing, the center of the line should be center, and the side side is secondary. (4) Side forward: relative to centre forward. Refers to the nib slightly deviate from the line line line. Written side of the front, pay attention to two points, one is not to deviate from the midline too far, and the two is the speed can be properly accelerated, decisive and powerful. Otherwise, it will be written in smooth, zigzag lines at one side. The side serves as an auxiliary pen for the center, which enriches the centers variability and strengthens the lines of the flesh and blood. In general, the pen pen, pen to conversion and the change of th



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